First Lady Rebecca Akufo-Addo Officially Opens NEWIG Ultramodern Office complex


The first lady of the Republic, Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo has on Saturday, 22nd January, 2022 officially opened and dedicated the newly built ultramodern edifice of the Network of Women in Growth, Ghana NEWIG at Tefle, Volta Region.

Network of Women In Growth (NEWIG) Ghana is a non-profit, skills-development organization that provides vocational and entrepreneurial training, supporting over 8,000 women and children including marginalized, rural women across Ghana.

The newly built ultramodern women empowerment office complex currently houses a sales shop, seminar room, hostel for trainees, offices, technical workshops and equipped with modern facilities such as computers (laptops and desktops), internet facilities, printers, scanner and photocopier.

Speaking at the event, the first lady of the republic, Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo reiterated the need for women empowerment and development.

She also admonished NEWIG for the exceptional inputs in empowering women to achieve full self-sustainability.

“It is therefore not surprising that over 70% of NEWIG beneficiaries are running their own businesses and are in position to better support their families. Remarkably, it has done so by depending on its internally generated funds and support from the Netherlands entities,” she said.

“We all know that globally women are at a disadvantage when it comes to education and economic emancipation, this has negatively impacted the development of many countries as women make up a significant percentage of global population. That is why I fully endorse the chosen mission of NEWIG to support women self organisation for full autonomy over their life’s, freedom from violence and for full social economic and political participation empowerment,” the first lady Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo added.

She also urged the members, executives and participants of NEWIG as well as beneficiaries to highlight the importance of the brand in order to attract more support and resources from the government.

The Executive Director NEWIG, Mrs. Mawulawoe Anato-Dumelo in an interview with the media emphasized on the importance of technical skills empowerment.

She stated that the commitment would boost the country’s economy.

“Technical and vocational skills is very vital to the growth of the economy as a country. We cannot just rely on academics, it’s time we explore the avenue of technical skills and vocational skills. It really boost the economy and provides employment.

“I have noticed that in TVET, they focus on practical aspects seriously and it’s helps those who have gone through the holistic training really come out topnotch,” she stressed.

She, however, urged Ghanaian’s and the youth to participate in a recognized TVET program to enable them gain more skills.

A representative from the Ministry of Education, African Women’s Fund, EMpower foundation, the Netherlands embassy among others also shared their solidarity message.

They indicated that NEWIG has a broad space for women empowerment, skills acquisition and especially economical upliftment and needed to be shaped and supported.

The event also saw some ecognized entities, government agencies and individuals who played vital roles in the development and training of women through NEWIG acknowledged with decorated plaques and citations.

By Nicholas Akussah