The State of Osu and Matters’ Arising – Osiahene (IV) of Osu stool Addresses the press


Nii Nortey Adumuah (Osiahene IV) of Osu Stool

The Osiahene (IV) of Osu stool, Nii Nortey Adumuah of the Adjuwate Dzaase house, one of the kingmakers of Osu traditional council has addressed the public and the Ghanaian media on the current happenings after the death of Nii Kinka Dowuona.

The address which took place in Accra on Monday, 4th April, 2022 hinted on issues relating to lack of Infrastructural and human resource development in the Osu community due to unresolved long standing dispute, corruption, huge money meddling among others.

It also revealed negative plans by some land looters in the community who disguise as indigene of Osu and portraying to invest in the community.

The statement also disclosed issues of money meddling in the Owuo We chieftaincy dispute by conniving with one Nii Saban Astem by trading of information and pretence for personal interest gains.

“The land committee put in place were also occupied by non-indigene of Osu, total strangers, non-Ga’s and zero citizens of Osu, the statement said.

“Over 1 million dollars unable to be accounted for over the sales of some properties, lands and houses and 11million cedis gone wasted and also unable to be accounted for ,” Nii Nortey Adumuah revealed.

Calls and petitions have been made to the elders of the 4 quarters of Osu, discerning youth and all stakeholders and churches to rise up to defend their inheritance.


Good morning ladies and gentlemen of the press


I welcome you all to Adjuwate Dzaase house. I called you here this day to address my people and to give you the current state of Osu.

We started the process of unity towards peace in our Traditional area after the death of Nii Kinka Dowuona the Osu Mantse and the expectations were high and reassuring that we were going to achieve historical success no matter what. Especially when Nii Nortey Owuo III gave his blessings and was committed to that course.

We took this path of process because we realised that Osu has lacked both infrastructural and human resource development due to the long-standing dispute.

We thought both factions could bury our differences and chart a new path to liberate our people, and give them a new life towards a better future since everything of ours is being taken away by foreigners and non-Ga persons and entities. Being taken away without consideration for the average Osu indigene, and that is where the problem lies.

I realised that we have allowed pettiness to overwhelm us, and we have allowed some land looters to take advantage of us by stealing and investing our wealth elsewhere to our disadvantage and detriment.

It has come to light that some of these issues are created by these land looters, who later pretend to be helping us resolve the same problems they masterminded. A game that only inures to their benefit.

Very soon I will come out with the names of some persons who worked with Nii Kinka and claimed to have paid some huge sums of monies to him, and are meddling in the current Owuo We chieftaincy dispute by trading information, and pretending with both sides for personal interest. They do all this by conniving with Nii Saban Atsem.

Ladies and gentlemen, there was a land committee in place before I took over the administration of the Palace, which is made up of total strangers such as Non Ga’s and zero citizens of Osu in that committee. I must emphasise that there were no indigenes of Osu on this land committee. This called for reformation of a new one with representatives from the Dzaase houses and representatives also from the other quarters but I was met with resistance. However, I persevered and pulled through, yet our own people, per the information gathered, were also corrupted by some of these old folks in their midst to start shelving information.

I further called for total reorganisation of the palace management, and thought I would get support from some of these new people inducted into the palace by Nii Ashong Omaboe but they were worse off with no interest of the people at heart.

Ladies and gentlemen, we were told at the land and funeral committee that we needed to take a loan from GCB before Kinka could have been buried. This was after the sales of:

The Graphic cooperation bungalow and other one’s out of which 1million USD was realized.
Who received these payments?
Who signed for the releases of these properties?
With what authority he did authorised it?

GCB club house case is still pending and we are following it with an Eagle eye.

Yet the palace couldn’t raise 2million Ghana Cedis they needed for the burial of Kinka.

They later collected compensation due the Osu Stool in the sum of 11million GHC, and claimed to have used part for the funeral.

So where is the rest of the money?

Who are the Signatories to the OSU STOOL ACCOUNTS? These are accounts which are supposed and belong to the four [4] Quarters that makes up Osu.

Who did the disbursements and in with what form did it take??

How much did each Quarter received, and who received it on their behalf??

How much did the Traditional Council receive for the management of business administration of Osu? They are entitled to some for the statutory work they perform.

Is it true that the money was shared among friends and cronies in the name of Dzaase representatives? This is traditional and administrative dishonesty in its highest form. I will produce information on how the compensatory amount was withdrawn and abused.

The security agencies and the law courts will soon give us the answers on these, be rest assured.

The people who claimed to have installed a chief, and are hiding at Owuo We Royal House pretending to be members of that house, are playing a game with the intent to loot Osu to their benefit. Corruption galore. They claim to be owners of Owuo We, and with all the numerous suits they have filed both in the courts and traditional forums such as the Regional House of Chiefs, they still need to hire land guards and other thugs to terrorize the community. What is all this for? How does this benefit Osu?

I therefore call on the Elders of the 4 Quarters, the discerning youth and all stakeholders in the well-being of Osu, including the churches, to rise up to defend their inheritance. Do not allow persons of myopic interest and reasoning to use you for their selfish gains. This must be done not just for themselves but for the sake of future generations. The new Osu requires effective and efficient use of resources. God will help us.

God bless Osu.
God bless GaDangme
God bless Ghana.

Thank you all for coming