A Tribute to Madam Caroline Andoh: A Leader, Mentor, and Friend


Former Director of Amanie Fm

Today, as we gather to remember Madam Caroline Andoh, our hearts are heavy with the loss of a remarkable leader who left an indelible mark on each of us. Madam Andoh was not just a director; she was a force of nature ( KE OTSUOO IN ONA LE OBA TSU, embodying strength, honesty, and a no-nonsense approach that defined her leadership style.

Madam Caor’s straight-forwardness was legendary. She never minced words and had a knack for telling it like it is, regardless of how uncomfortable it might have been to hear. Her blunt honesty challenged us to see beyond our own perceptions and strive for better, both individually and collectively.

But behind her no-nonsense exterior was a woman with a heart of gold. Madam Andoh was not just our boss; she was a mentor who cared deeply about our growth and success. She pushed us to excel, always believing in our potential even when we doubted ourselves. Her guidance and support were invaluable, shaping many of us into the professionals we are today.

One of the things we’ll never forget about Madam Andoh is her sense of humor and her caring nature. One of her trademark phrases was, “When things get better, everyone will enjoy.” NYE KE SPONSORS ABAA OBO KE OKE BAA OPRAGRAMME OKPA FEEMO. She had a way of lightening the mood with her witty remarks and infectious laughter. Who could forget her famous sobolo and meat pies during our general meetings? Those moments brought us together as a team and reminded us that work could also be fun.

Madam Caro’s legacy goes beyond her professional achievements. It lives on in the friendships she nurtured, the lessons she imparted, and the memories we hold dear. Her impact on our lives is profound, and we are forever grateful to have had the privilege of knowing and learning from her as a mother.

As we bid farewell to Madam Caroline Andoh, let us carry forward her values of honesty, resilience, and compassion. She will always hold a special place in our hearts, and her legacy will continue to inspire us in our personal and professional journeys.

Rest in peace, dear Madam Andoh. You will be deeply missed but never forgotten.

With heartfelt condolences,