ACEPA Criticizes Poor Performance of Appointments Committee in Vetting Nominees


ACEPA Criticizes Vetting Process, Calls for Reform in Parliamentary Appointments Committee

The African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA) has voiced serious concerns over the current vetting process for ministerial nominees, describing it as inadequate and falling short of expectations.

ACEPA argues that members of Parliament, from both the Majority and Minority sides, have failed to conduct a rigorous interrogation of nominees on critical national issues. This shortfall, according to ACEPA, has undermined the essence of the vetting process.

Speaking with the media, Dr. Rasheed Draman, Executive Director of ACEPA, emphasized the urgent need to reassess the operational framework of the Appointments Committee to enhance its effectiveness.

“This process has been very unsatisfactory,” Dr. Draman remarked. “There is a need for serious rethinking about how the Appointments Committee conducts its business. Members of Parliament, particularly those from the Minority, have missed crucial opportunities to demand accountability from nominees. Instead, they focus on trivial matters that do not address the competence, integrity, or suitability of nominees for their respective roles.”

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