NDC wants Martin Amidu gone, says SP office should be dissolved


Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu, is on fire as he takes his first victim on.

After more than a year in office, the man known as the citizen vigilante is pursuing his first case in court.

Per a leaked document from his office, Martin Amidu has sued the Member of Parliament for Bawku Central, Mahama Ayariga.

Mahama Ayariga is facing four counts of fraudulent evasion of customs duties and taxes, using public office for private benefit, dealing in foreign exchange without licence and transfer of foreign exchange from Ghana through an unauthorised dealer.

If you may recall, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) were part of those complaining that Martin Amidu was keeping too long in discharging his duties.

But Kwaku Boahen, a Deputy Communications Director feels the office of the Special Prosecutor should be dissolved.

Watch the video below to know why he is saying that

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