Pathologist breaks silence on Takoradi girls’ DNA test


Anatomic Pathologist, Ernest Adjei, involved in establishing the identity of the remains believed to be those of the four kidnapped Takoradi girls says he is convinced about the credibility of the DNA results. According to Dr Ernest Adjei, he stands by the quality of work done by him and his colleagues in establishing that the remains were those of the girls.

“When the remains came in, one was separate with three mixed up which we had to re-arrange and sort them out,” he said.

Speaking in an interview, Dr Adjei enumerated how the due procedures were conducted.

“At the end of the day, what we sought to do was to look at the bones and establish the age range, the height, the stature and sexes which comes with some techniques and we realised all four were females.

“We found out the youngest of the skeletal remains was between 15 and 16 with the oldest between 21 and 22.”

To Dr Adjei, he was convinced the remains were those of the Takoradi girls even before the DNA results were released.

“I was depressed when we discovered the skeletal remains were feminine adding that to the age range. I was sad because I was hoping we will get to the point where we will say those were not the remains of the missing girls,” he said.