The heat was too much to bear – Samira Bawumia on Blackout


Second Lady, Mrs Samira Bawumia has expressed gratitude to Professionals who resuscitated her on Tuesday after she reportedly had a blackout.

According to report, “the Second Lady Samira blacked out in mid-address at a GRNMA congress at Dodowa.

After the opening addresses and a welcome address by the Chief Nursing Officer for Greater Accra, Madam Cecilia Obeng Peprah, it was the turn of Mrs Bawumia who had been sitting since the beginning of the programme to deliver her keynote address.

Around 12 midday, Mrs Bawumia mounted the dais to deliver her address but a few minutes into it, she requested for water.

After drinking the water, she complained of dizziness and was momentarily seen going down.

Her aides and security detail rushed to hold her and administered the necessary first aid whilst the perimeter was cordoned off.

A stretcher was quickly drawn from one of the vehicles in the Second Lady’s convoy.

Mrs Bawumia was cordoned off and later conveyed to one of the vehicles before the convoy moved out of the hotel.

Following this development, Mrs Bawumia has taken to Facebook to explain that there was so much heat in the room where the programme was being held, hence the terrible condition.

“I am grateful to the professionals present, for their timely intervention after I succumbed to the heat at the conference venue. Thank you all for the well-wishes,” she said hours after Tuesday’s reported accident.

Samira collapse


Samira collapse