Nungua Senior High School Celebrates 60th Anniversary

The Headmistress of the Nungua Senior High School, (NUNSEC) Mrs. Ellen Asare Pepra has said she was working hard with her staff to transform the school.
Interestingly, the school established by one of the Paramount Chief’s of the area Nii Quaye Tawiah is 60 years-old now, and the Mistress was speaking to the anniversary celebration.
The 12th Headmistress of the school commended effort of her predecessors, saying “they did well.”
She said even though the 2019 exam result had showed significant improvement, there was more room for greater heights, and she was working with her team to achieve more.
“We are given our student the morale lessons that they need, and they should be able to fit into the society.”
When asked, she said they were involving the parents directly in the academic performance of  their children.
Now, the school had masters in charge of the various department, and those were constantly in touch with parents concerning the performance of their children.
And, for example, parents, whose children were studying programs such as Home Economics, and Visual Arts were aware they have to assist them because they need assistance to do their practicals.
“We are now pushing the agenda to ensure that parents are able to monitor their children, and we are organizing free early morning classes for the form threes to ensure that they cover their syllables before their exams.”
She stated, and went further that: “We also do monthly quizzes to identify weaker students, and right away we start working to improve those.
When asked, she said team work was her cherished values, and she was working with the staff, and the entire leadership to achieve the best for the school.
“Respect is another value that I cheerish”, and that the school was holding on to that , and with hard work, they were bound to produce enviable results.
“Integrity, honesty and  truthfulness” were other values the affable headmistress highlighted.
“I empower my deputies, and the people I work with.”
When asked again, she said the alumni of the school was supporting in a remarkable way; the recently donated graph boards, fans for the classrooms.
Madam Ellen commended Hon. Kwamena Batels, an alumina, for donating 10 computers, and still promised to offer more.
Also, the year 89 group were refurbishing  the school’s laboratory facility.
She again commended the Municipal Assembly, and the Member of Parliament (MP) for their contribution towards the development of the school.
She said the Assembly had played a tremendous role in reducing noise around the school, and in decongesting the school off other nuisance.
She as well praised one Hon Joshua Boatey for pulling down an old block the Assembly, and working on it.
She was proud to show laurels that the boys and the girls had won in recent super zonal games. “We won back to back.”
“We believe in holistic education and we are working to achieve exactly that.”
Credit: Nii Okpoti Odamttem