German Cooperation & Ministry of Environment, Science Technology calls for Sustainable management and Disposal of E-waste

Deutsche Gesellschaft International Zusammenarbit (GIZ)  GmbH in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment,  Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI), today met with members of the Ghanaian press, to articulate the achievements and lessons of its Environment sound Disposal and Recycling of Electronic waste E-waste)  program, in Accra as well as highlighted the goals and and objectives of the second phase of the project.
The German Embassy in Ghana kicked-off the press conference with a welcome address.  The embassy provided a brief overview of the background to the E-waste program and its objectives and reiterated the commitment and dedication of the German Government to support the program.
It was added that this was an important day, as it highlights the efforts  made by all partner to improve and strength the E-waste management and recycling sector in the country.
 MESTI then describe efforts made by the government of Ghana to improve the E-waste menace in the country. In August 2016,The government of Ghana passed the Hazardous and electronic waste control and management act 917 as well as the legal instrument (LI) 2250 in January ,to regulate the management of E-waste in Ghana.
It added that since implementation, the E-waste Program had chalked a number of Achievements that include the construction of a Technical Training Center and Health Clinic on the old Fadama scrape yard, commonly known as Agbogboloshie.
MESTI highlighted that the training center had trained over 400 scrap worker in environmentally sound manual dismantling of Electronic waste since regular worships started in July 2019.
 The Minister for Enivornment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI), Prof. Kwabena Frimpong Boateng addressed the media at the press conference.
“I want to thank the German government and people for their support and assistance to Ghana over these years, 60 years of good cooperation between Ghana and Germany.
“Yesterday we had the opportunity of launching a very important project that is also related to waste to energy in the Atwima Kwahoma Municipality, where we are going to use solar energy and bio-gas to create electricity”. Prof. Kwabena Boateng added.
The conference attracted a lot of dignitaries from Germany and other institutions across the country.
Credit: Nii Okpoti Odamttem