5th Ghana CEO Summit Postponed

Ghana CEO Summit presentation to His Excellency Nana Addo D. Akufo Addo

Chief Executive Network Ghana has officially announced the postponement of the 5th Ghana CEO Summit which was scheduled to take place in Accra on 18th and 19th of May, 2020.

Founder and CEO of the Summit, Ernest De-Graft Egyir explained that this is due to the Covid-19 global pandemic which has compelled the President of Ghana to impose a ban on all public gatherings including conferences, seminars, workshops, sporting events, worship services and schools.

He however said a new date will be announced as soon as the government and public health experts declare it is safe to do so.

The Ghana CEO Summit is the foremost business conference for topmost CEOs, heads of state, government officials, diplomats, board directors and board leaders.

The Summit supports the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The 2020 Summit will focus on the theme, “The digital economy: Digital transformation of business and government for growth and competitiveness; a high level public-private sector dialogue.”

The Summit platform offers a bouquet of interventions that enhance the capacity of contemporary business and civic leaders to function effectively to obtain sustained growth.

These interventions include presidential keynote address and panel discussion, expert insights, CEO and business case studies, technology demonstration, CEO awards, networking and high value business deals.

Meanwhile, CEO Network Ghana is implementing programs to support the national fight against the pandemic. An initial donation of GHC 200,000 has already been made to the Covid-19 National Trust Fund at the Jubilee House, the seat of Ghana’s presidency in Accra.

The amount is the first tranche of a targeted sum of one million Ghana cedis it is raising as part of its campaign dubbed “CEO COVID-19: STOP THE SPREAD.”

The first part of the campaign was a preventive and proactive call urging topmost CEOs, government officials, diplomats, board directors and leaders to step up and lead boldly to ensure that the nation overcomes the scourge of the virus in the shortest possible time.

The fundraising drive is the second phase of the network’s campaign.

Mr. Egyir believes that, “As players in the economy, we cannot detach ourselves from things that happen.

Therefore, we are going to do everything we can to help the nation prevail over the pandemic.”

By Sharon Willis Brown-Acquah