Construction of a modern community-based health and planning services (CHPS) compound has been completed in Kakumdo community in the Central Region. The project was financed by the Coastal Development Authority (CODA) for the benefit of Cape Coast North as part of the constituency’s allocation under the Infrastructure for Poverty Eradication Programme (IPEP).

CODA Model

Based on the CODA model for CHPS compounds, the facility comprises a treatment room, midwifery/delivery room and consulting room. It also has a recovery ward, family planning centre, storage and a patient waiting area.

To ensure constant availability of medical staff, the CHPS compound also comes with residential accommodation for two medical staff to readily respond to the health needs of residents. The project was selected based on consensus which involved stakeholder engagement and needs assessment.

IPEP in Cape Coast North

Apart from the CHPS compound, CODA is undertaking other priority projects in Cape Coast North constituency. Construction of a 20-acre artisanal village is ongoing at Mempeasem to provide a suitable location and environment for artisans in the Cape Coast metropolis to effectively ply their trades.

CODA has also completed a steel footbridge in Essuekyir, a project that is so dear to local residents as it connects the community to neighbouring communities and facilitates movement of people, goods and services within the locality.

Infrastructure for Poverty Eradication Programme

To accelerate economic and social development, IPEP enables communities to make input into the selection of priority projects which are approved and implemented by CODA in the 109 constituencies in the six regions that make up the coastal development zone. Through IPEP, each constituency is allocated one million dollars or its cedi equivalent annually for such special projects.