Adolf Armah Advises Ghanaians To Stay Safe As Covid-19 Is Real

Adolf Armah - former Black Stars player

One time Africa’s second best footballer in 1979 and a member of the 1978 Black Stars, Adolf Armah has advised Ghanaians to obey the instructions of the president to stay home and abide by other safety protocols in order to avoid contracting or spreading the covid-19.

Speaking to Yours Truly from his base in the United States he warned that the coronavirus disease is real as many people have died.

He also cautioned football fans to be mindful of the May 9 Disaster and behave responsibly any time they go to the stadium to watch football matches.

The former Black Stars skipper and Accra Hearts of Oak midfield dynamo stated that many football fans have not learnt from the May 9, and urged the media to do more education on crowd violence and hooliganism.

He also tasked footballers and other sportsmen and women not to get over ridden by events and not train.

“Training and discipline are the two most important weapons in sports, and I want to advise our sportsmen and women to train regularly indoors. I also wish all Ghanaians the best in their endeavours” he expressed.

Adolf Amarh aka Rolandanster or the midfield Marshall played for Accra Hearts of Oak, Manchester United, African Sports in Cote d’voire, Zamalek in Egypt and other clubs in Gabon, UAE and Qatar.

He also coached Rising Stars and Hearts for a short period before moving to the USA.

By Sammy Heywood Okine