Covid-19 Infects 39 FDA Staff


The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has recorded 39 Covid-19 cases among its staff.

The FDA in a press release indicated that a total of 450 staff at its head office, Tema office, KIA office and its laboratory were tested for the virus as part of measures to check the spread of the pandemic.

“As part of measures to combat the pandemic, the FDA organized mandatory testing for a total of 450 staff (Including the CEO and all top management) from its head office, Tema Office, KIA office and the Laboratory, out of which 39 tested positive,” the release signed by the head of communication and public education, James Lartey, said.

The statement indicated that all 39 staff who tested positive were asked to go into self-quarantine while those who had been in close contact with them were also asked to do the same.

The statement further noted that 38 out of the 39 infected staff have recovered from the infection with the last person currently responding to treatment.

The FDA assured the general public of its commitment to implementing its mandate while ensuring the safety of its workers and customers.

“The general public is assured that despite this unfortunate development, the FDA shall continue to effectively execute its mandate as a regulatory agency to register and enforce the importation, manufacture, distribution and sale of safe and quality products.

“The FDA still holds fast to our motto which says that ‘Your wellbeing, our priority’ and as such has from the very inception of this pandemic created an in-house Covid-19 committee tasked with the responsibility of ensuring the welfare of FDA staff as well as its clients nationwide, with respect to measures put in place for the prevention and protection against Covid-19,” the statement added.




By Jamila Akweley Okertchiri