First Keyhole op used to remove head tumour in UK.


 Operation, which was carried out in February last year, took just three hours and Ms Kaviya was up and walking later the same day.

Neurosurgeon Asim Sheikh said advancements in technology meant tumours like those suffered by Ms Kaviya were now less risky to treat.

He said: “It’s a hard-to-reach area, and this allows a direct access without any compromise of pressure on the brain.

“So it just reaches us in areas which were once thought to be inoperable, but now are accessible.”

Biomedical engineer Lisa Ferrie, head of the 3D planning service at the trust, made a model of the patient’s skull so the surgical team could rehearse the operation before they did it.

She said: “This technology enabled the team to study her anatomy in detail and prepare for the procedure with unparalleled accuracy.

“Seeing the model and knowing it contributed to this ground-breaking surgery is incredibly rewarding.”

Ms Kaviya was left with a tiny scar near her left eye, but was back at work caring for stroke patients three months after the surgery.

She said: “When I had the operation I thought I was possibly going to stay in the hospital for weeks or months and I was home in days.

“I had double vision for about three months but everything else was OK.”

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