Former National Table Tennis star donates Items to former club


Ghana’s former female T T Champion extraordinaire, Hagar Amo, has donated table tennis equipment to the New Juaben table tennis Club, her mother club.

The former National T T female star who reign as National Champion for ten (10) consecutive years running on Monday, 27th December, 2021 hosted the executives and a section of the playing body in her house in koforidua to celebrate the festive season and also donated table tennis equipment to the Club.

The former superstar chose the occasion to thank the executives for their efficient stewardship and pledged her full support to the club.

The chairman in his acceptance comments thanked her for her thoughtfulness. He took the gathering down memory lane and brought into remembrance the superlative performance of Hagar that churned out some ecstatic moments to the fraternity back in the days

The chairman assured her that the equipment she donated will be taken good care of and be put to good use to unearth and produce her kind. He was full of appreciation to both the local and foreign-based players for their massive support throughout the years.

Story by: Emmanuel Obiri Minta