Hijacked Vessel Docks At Tema Port


The Tuna Purse Seine vessel which was hijacked recently, has docked at the Tema Port.

Ghana flagged vessel, Panofi Frontier, was reportedly hijacked by suspected Nigerian pirates on Wednesday, June 25, 2020, in Benin.

It was located and guided by navy to the Tema Port in Ghana.

However, reports say the crew members of the vessel including five Koreans and a Ghanaian, are yet to be located.

Lieutenant Commander Felix Tsekpetse, Assistant Director, Naval Operations, has informed the press that the vessel was met by the Ghana Navy at the Ghana-Togo border and brought to the anchorage on Thursday.

According to him, apart from those taken captive, all other crew members were safe adding that they were yet to get information on the captives.

By Melvin Tarlue