Ladies Arena Donates to Echoing Hills Village


A non-profit making group, Ladies Arena led by their CEO, Ruby Adjei on Sunday, 25th July, 2021 presented assorted items to Echoing Hills Village, an orphanage home at Madina.

The items donated include bags of water, rice, boxes of drinks, biscuits, pastries, noodles, cloths, soaps, cans of tomatoes, sanitizers among others.

The exercise forms part of the groups objective and it’s Cooperate Social Responsibilities.

Speaking after the donation, the CEO of the group, Md. Ruby Adjei stated that the group has outlined other community – driven projects to be undertaken.

“We donated because we were willing to and it was was part of our plans as we created the group not only for fun but to come together to help others and the less privileged in our communities,” she said.

“And more over this is our first donation and we are looking forward to do more,” she added.

She expressed her gratitude to the management of the center and the entire members of the group for the support.

“I am really happy we have been able to do this. I want to thank the management of the village for the support and opening up for us to give back to the society, I am really grateful,” she said.

“I also want to thank all my hardworking ladies for their love, care and support. I can’t mention names but they have been supportive and we could not have achieved this success without them,” she expressed.

The management of the center also appreciated the kind gesture and love from the ladies.

They, however, used the opportunity to call on all cooperate entities to come to their aid.

The management presented a decorated citation to the group CEO for her support.

By Nicholas Akussah