Make hay while the sun shines; you won’t be around forever – Shatta Bandle warned


At the moment, Shatta Bandle’s face is on every print media and blog post; he is enjoying the shine.

But in this period of popularity and fame, former participant of Dance with Peter reality show, Julius Fakta, has advised Shatta Bandle to “make hay whilst the sun shines”.

According to him, Shatta Bandle should have it at the back of his mind that he is not the first person to gain fame out of the blues. 

Julius mentioned many others hit the limelight in the same manner; but are nowhere to be found now. Hence, Shatta Bandle should be smart enough to thrive.Julius is right about this warning. In the not too distant past, there was a certain Ghana 2Pac, a certain Rashida Black Beauty, a certain Two Thozin and our own Wee Teacher who got instant fame. They have all fizzled out and are nowhere to be found now.