NAM1 Intentionally Set Fire To Zylofon Media To Get Pity From Ghanaians


Young Ghanaian millionaire Ibrahim Dauda popularly called Ibrah One has said the fire which destroyed part of the Zylofon Media office in Accra yesterday evening was set intentionally.

At around 9:00 pm, Monday, Zylofon Media at East Legon office caught fire.

A statement from the media conglomerate intimated that no casualties were recorded. They thanked the Ghana National Fire Service and Police Service for their swift intervention.

The statement said Zylofon Media is working in hand with the appropriate authorities to ensure that investigations are carried out to ascertain the cause of the fire.

“While one part of the complex were damaged by the fire, the swift response of the Ghana National Fire Service, some of our staff, friends and well-wishers, who all responded to the incident in diverse ways, contributed to the swift containment and extinguishing of the fire.
We commend the professionalism of the GNFS and the Ghana Police Service officials and thank them for the timely and invaluable service they rendered.”

Commenting on the news, Ibrah One believes strongly that the CEO of Zylofon Media Nana Appiah Mensah aka NAM1 has a hand in the fire outbreak.

He stated without mincing words that NAM1 intentionally set fire to the building so Ghanaians can have pity on him because of his pending court cases.
