One-On-One Foundation To Organise Domestic Sanitation Tours In Accra And Kumasi

Olla Williams

One-On-One Foundation, organisers of the Schools sanitation tour are turning to communities with the focus on compound houses as they try to educate Ghanaians on personal hygiene and sanitation as a way of fighting the covid-19 pandemic.

According to Mr. Emmanuel Olla Williams, CEO of One-On-One Foundation, they are conducting an Education Tour in Accra and Kumasi with 1,000 households to be covered.

He said since students are now locked down at home, it would be proper to take the sanitation programme to homes, and involve the whole family in the cleaning and washing with soap and vim.

He hinted that Unilever, their sponsors and other partners have shown interest in supporting the fight against the coronavirus.

“We want to show appreciation to Unilever, our major sponsor, and other partners like the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) and the Ministries of Sanitation and Health who have supported our events” he said.

He appealed to Ghanaians whose homes would be contacted and involved to cooperate fully and learn how to use the best detergents to clean to avoid contracting diseases.

He hinted that volunteers would be recruited for the exercise, and serve as an opportunity for many youth looking for employment in the two big cities.

By Sammy Heywood Okine