Roll Ball finals on Saturday


Roll Ball Federation of Ghana in collaboration with Deon Recreational Center will host the 18th Final on Saturday at Community 19 Junction, Sakumono in Accra.

4 teams will compete in the game which involves skating and basketball scoring. Accra Sunrisers will play Welts RBC while Cape Coast Roll Ball play Litz RBC

The battle for the grand trophy will be tough as the four great teams contest, yet only one will emerge winner and go for the grand throne.

The 18th Anniversary battle for the ultimate Kings will be lively on the 20th March, 2021, at the Deon Recreational Center (DRC). The battle is only for the strongest. Don’t miss out.

Roll Ball Ghana President Mr. Gameli said with the presence of Roll Ball in all the sixteen regions in Ghana, it seeks to promote inter-cultural relationship, peace and national unity.

“ Our game empowers communities and supports schools in providing so many sports and business opportunities for both the youth and the public at large. It also keeps idle students busy in sports so they do not engage in unproductive activities such as drug abuse armed robbery and immoral activities” he said,