Royal Blue House Academy Set for “Our Tradition And Education” Ceremony


The Royal Blue House Academy, an educational institution located at Gbese a suburb in Accra are set to organize the fourth edition of the “Our Tradition and Education” ceremony slated for Saturday 31st August, 2019 near the Ussher Fort prison in Accra.

The ceremony which has been tagged to attract traditional rulers and chiefs in the community, will also be a standing point for the pupils of the academy to learn more and abreast themselves with the traditional guidelines.

Speaking to the assistant headmaster of the institution, Mr. Joseph Ayia says the importance of the ceremony is to help introduce the tradition to the students and the community at large.

“we have a tradition and it needs to go down to the upcoming and younger ones in our various communities, so as a Ga speaking community, we are doing this to encourage them follow the footsteps of their ancestors and not to depart from it” he said.

The ceremony will attract top personalities such as the member of parliament for Odododiodoo constituency, Hon. Nii Lantey Vanderpuiye, Chiefs, Queens and other prominent persons.

Story By: Nicholas Akusah