Schools Sanitation Tour Moves To A Higher Level


The Tertiary Hygiene Education Tour will run for 30 weeks targeting 20 institutions of higher education across the country.

According to Mr. Emmanuel Olla Williams four medical schools in four regions,

ten Nursing Training College across the country and all the popular universities would be covered.

Dubbed ‘THE TOUR’, the programme includes theory and practicals in cleaning and maintaining sanitation and hygienic conditions in the higher educational institutions.

Unilever Ghana is sponsoring with the support of their products – Key Brillant, Rexona and Vim.

He said in this Covid-19 era it is ideal that the sanitation message goes all over at all levels in education and the communities.

The pilot programme and planning on the take off of THE TOUR was held at the SDA College of Education and it was successful.

The organisers. One-On-One Foundation are planning to add some sports events to make it interesting and attractive.

By Sammy Heywood Okine