Women Sports Leaders Advise Sports Women On Coronavirus Awareness Campaign


Women sports leaders have added their voice to the warning and cautions on the pandemic that has overwhelmed the world, and brought panic and fear to many people.

Madam Elizabeth King, chairperson of the Ghana Olympic Committee (GOC) Women’s Commission has called on all sportsmen, especially the women and girls to practice the safety measures approved by the reliable and authentic medical sources.

Madam King who is a member of the international body of the hockey fraternity aside her position as the vice president of the Ghana Hockey Association said the situation is sad and serious as it has affection lives and hoped that a solution would be found as early as possible.

Madam Gloria Commodore, president of the Women In Sports Association (WISA) who has been advising family and friends said she better has to go wide and said on her social media platforms.

She expressed that “on behalf of WISA,  I wish our sports women safety and going by the information by doing the right things, God have mercy on all of us, we are praying for all Ghanaian sportswomen, especially athletes based outside in Europe and the USA.

Mrs. Joyce Mahama, president of Women Sports Association of Ghana (WOSPAG) was of the view that our sports stars should not panic, but go by the directives issued by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Ministry of Health (MOH).

“It is not what happens that matters, it is how we respond that is important” she stressed.

Meanwhile the president of the Ghana Olympic Committee (GOC), Ben Nunoo Mensah says the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is hopeful of finding a solution on the next Olympic Games in Tokyo.

He also urged the women’s sport groups and associations to come together and fight the common enemy that has come out as the coronavirus.

“This is not a one man or women problem, we have to support each other and wipe away this international problem” he said.

By Sammy Heywood Okine