Military Invasion On Oshiyie


The people of Oshiyie a suburb of Weija’s Municipality in Accra suffered a terrible nightmare on 13th day of June 2019, at 1am; a military troop invaded the community without proper notice to the King of the area and his elders. Since Wednesday’s night the people of the community have suffered sleepless night and based on information reaching the troop were not dispatched by any command of the security service. Division, District, Regional and National Police Service says the said troops are not from the service according to the King, Nii Kofi Akrachie II (the second).

The military troop stormed the community and arrested some of the community members including the community’s stool secretary and his families among other community members were all arrested. Per reports the arrested residents who are not at fault are detained in the BNI custody and currently are in the Police Headquarters. The community owned by the GA’s in the area has recently been disturbed by some Mauri group who claimed to be the custodians of the land by their ancestors. According to information gathered, AMANIE NEWSROOM believes the group is from the Central Region of the country called Afadi Annor Weku.

The community is well known for its pleasure and luxurious beach sites and lands. Lands in this community are a major cause of conflict among local people in the area. The King of the area, King Kofi Akrachie II took some bold steps from his predecessor to straighten the land disputes and embarked on some developmental duties on free health activities, peace and unity clean ups to welcome the Homowo festivities. Amazingly the troop stormed and surrounded the palace destroyed doors and windows, broke the residents homes took valuable items belonging to the people. A resident complained that they took her Ghc250.00 and some assorted products for her drinking bar describing the men as all dressed in military outfit ready for a war. “My house was surrounded; they broke my brother’s door and entered the room. One of the soldiers pushed my door and as a result the door hit the right eye of my daughter and it swelled”.

The King of the area hinted that some people in the community are leading these armed men to cause this chaos and violence. He furthermore said the group (believed to be the cause of these problems) is being sanctioned and the rule of law has placed an injunction on them not to interrupt the activities of the King’s doing in the community. Yesterday, Nii Kofi Akrachie called for a press conference to detail all happenings of the situation in his community. He made it known that the incident is unfortunate and uncalled for because his empire is in complete peace at each other. And it’s surprising such incidents are happening in times of the ‘Odadaa’ (an event to climax the ban on noice making). It happened last year where some resident suffered same violence by scouts of the community.