Fanmilk vendors demonstrate over 1pesewa reduction in profit

The vendors for ice cream producer, Fan Milk Limited have demonstrated at the company’s premises over what they described as ‘unfair’ working conditions.

Speaking to Joy News, Joshua Amartey convener of the group said, “they [Fan Milk Limited] brought a letter that indicated that the company’s profit is reducing because of the high cost of production”.

He stated the company is cheating them explaining that the decrease in the profit will reduce their earnings from 17pesewas to 16pesewas.

“It is not even up to 20pesewas, which can buy sachet water. If the cost of production is high they should increase the price of the product and not our benefits” he grieved.

The other workers said the decision of the company is unfair.

They stated that they had previously asked the company for an increase in their profit from 17 to 20 pesewas, however, the company refused their request.

They explained that the 17pesewas on each product is not enough as benefit and a reduction is going to leave them with nothing.

According to the vendors, the company bikes they ride on to make sales are insured but the users are not.

They claim when they get involved in accidents the bikes are fixed with money from insurance but they have to use their own money to take care of themselves.

When asked if they have communicated some of these problems to the company Mr. Joshua said, “when we go to them with our grievances, they say they do not know us but they know the agents. And when we go to the agents they also say do not know us”.

However, an official from the Fan Milk Limited who spoke with the angry worker said the company has heard their grievances and will get back to them as management is in a meeting regarding the problem.

Mr Amartey said the vendors have stopped working from Friday, October 5, until they get a solid feedback from the management of the company.