The Member of Parliament for Ablekuma Central Constituency, Hon Ebenezer Gilbert Nii Narh Nartey was on Sunday 25th august, 2019 by chiefs and management of Azhariya Islamic school for his dedicated and meritorious services towards development and love demonstrated to the Muslim communities in the constituency.

At a ceremony organized at Town –Council Line to mark the occasion, which also coincided with the climax of their annual graduation, the imam on behalf of the community expressed his appreciation to Hon. Nartey for endearing himself as an “illustrious son of the town through politics.’’

Quoting from the citation, the paramount chief of zongo, Sarki Yahya Baako stressed the socioeconomic development that had given a face-lift to the constituency, under the instrumentality of Hon. Nartey since his entry into parliament is unprecedented and unrivaled.

The stated that projects initiated and completed by the MP as well as his social contributions were unsurpassed in the municipality and prayed to Allah for long life and blessings for the MP to do more.

The headmaster of Azhariya Islamic School also commended the MP for his dedication in fulfilling a promise made during the 2016 electioneering campaign to rid the Saturday extra classes, especially for Muslim kids, to have the chance to study the Quran and other Islamic teachings at the Makaranta.

The MP in response admitted emotionally that ‘’I have been humbled by the occasion and what is contained in the citation as all those achievements was not by my power and might but through divine grace and your prayers”.

He also assured them of the early completion of the multipurpose sports and a library complex at the town-council line park, with the library serving as a research hub for Islamic studies.


Ibrahim Saeed

(Aide to the MP)

Ablekuma Central Constituency