Hon. Vincent Sowah Odotei provides La Dadekotopon Constituency with Social Amenity Centers


The Member of Parliament for La Dadekotopon, Hon. Vincent Sowah Odotei has constructed and provided social amenity centers for constituents in his constituency.

The hardworking, humble and kindhearted member of parliament has provided over 300 portable toilet facilities, constructed drainage systems to allow the free flow of rainy water in the coming months, installed free DSTV dishes to about 50 households and has currently enrolled 600 children at the La Neighborhood Development Center with free scholarships.

The former deputy minister of communication has won the hearts of many with his philanthropic and developmental works.

Aside that, he has also donated some relief items such as bags of rice, oils and others to the less privileged in his constituency amid the corona virus.

The MP in an exclusive interview with Amanie fm reporters stated that, there are more important projects to be carried out in the constituency, with attention on the education system.

“We are working very hard in order to provide quality education especially at the nursery and kindergarten levels, where these children wont pay a penny. At the La Neighborhood center, we have added these measures in place as well”. He said.

“About 600 children at the center have also been placed on scholarships, where feeding and transportation is also free. Initially, every child is allowed to pay 350 cedis as admission fee, now we have taken that one also off in order to make education accessible to all in the constituency.

Hon. Vincent Sowah Odotei again added that, they will construct an additional classroom block at the La Neighborhood center to contain the higher number of children.

“Looking at the number now, we are putting plans in place to construct another 6 unit classroom blocks at the center in order to admit more children. We are also looking at constructing one at South Labadi, La Wireless and others”. The MP stated.

The La Dadekotopon MP finally stated that, president Akuffo Addo’s one house, one toilet initiative has become a household idea, and they have also provided about 130 household one portable toilet facility.

“This would continue until every household is equipped with a toilet facility”. He stressed.