“Obama, You Are God Sent” – La Dadekotopon Residents Praise Member of Parliament, Hon. Vincent Sowah Odotei


Some residents at the La Dadekotopon constituency has sent out a heartfelt and congratulatory message as well as acknowledging the good works of their member of parliament, Hon. Vincent Sowah Odotei popularly called “Obama”.

The member of parliament has over three years developed, transformed and changed livelihoods of the La Dadekotopon constituents.

Construction of drainage systems, providing of portable toilet facilities to every household, installation of DSTV dishes, providing scholarships and enrolling of about 600 children in school and free registration on National Health Insurance Scheme.

Hon. Vincent Sowah Odotei in an earlier interview with Amanie fm, stated that his objectives and major priority as a member of parliament is to make livelihood more comfortable, health and education also accessible to all.

Speaking to some of the beneficiaries on Friday after the tour, they stated that the various projects came at the right.

“The portable toilet facilities at every house is good and this would help curb the spread of cholera in the community. Because sometimes when we breath in air, it is not good, so looking at the facility, it has come at the right time and it will help us a lot”. A resident said.

“Sometimes you will see people using the seaside as a place of inconvenience and it is really disturbing, but the project by Hon. Vincent Sowah Odotei is good and I think this will go a long way for us.

“The bridge being constructed is a vital one, because we have the rainy season coming up and it will help prevent our houses being flooded and lives would not be lost”. A resident stated.

Expressing their heartfelt gratitude, the residents congratulated and pleaded with the member of parliament to continue with the projects laid out.

They also assured the member of parliament of their support come December 2020 elections.